World's First Bionic Eye

 What Is A Bionic Eye

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Cybernetic eye

A retinal bionic eye implant is inserted into the eyeball itself and is suitable for people who lost their vision because of a specific disease, such as an inherited form of retinal degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa or age-related macular degeneration.


A retinal prosthesis is another implanted lens or device with low vision that works to maximize a person's vision. The most widely used bionic eye system developed by a Californian company called Second Sight is the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System, which is in the United States approved by the FDA. It consists of tiny glasses mounted on a camera transmitter that send signals to an array of electrodes implanted into a blind person's damaged retina.


In people with advanced retinal disease, light-absorbing cells in the retina are lost, known as photoreceptors, but the nerve network that sends visual information to the brain is still intact.


Visual prostheses, also known as bionic eyes, are experimental vision devices designed to restore function in people with partial or total blindness. A bionic eye or retinal prosthesis is a system that works by bridging the gap between the light that enters the eye via the optic nerve and transmission of images to the brain so that we can see what we see.


A bionic eye is the colloquial name for a prosthesis, an electrical device that helps the user restore his or her vision. It is usually an electrical prosthesis implanted in the human eye to allow light transduction and the alteration of light impulses in the brain - a process that can be performed by people who have suffered severe damage to the retina.


The retina is a light-sensitive layer of tissue in the inner eye that converts images from the outside world into neuronal impulses that transmit the optic nerve from the thalamus to the primary visual cortex, a visual processing centre in the occipital lobe of the brain.


Visual prostheses or bionic eyes promise artificial vision to the visually impaired, who can still see. They consist of microelectrodes placed in one or both eyes, where the optic nerve transmits impulses from the eye to the brain and back. Instead of being implanted in the eye, the electrodes are embedded in the visual cortex of the brain.


Utilizing special glasses and electronic data electrodes, electrodes that help people with retinitis pigmentosa detect light stimulate retinal cells to transmit visual information to the brain. These electrodes do not restore normal vision, but they can help people who are legally blind to perceive light as light reflection.


These devices, such as the Argus II, are able to bypass damage to the eye and restore vision to those who have lost it completely. Brain implants to restore vision in more patients also work, and they have helped millions of blind patients, including those who have lost all but one eye. New technologies promise results in restoring vision for people struggling with permanent vision loss.


The makers of the world's first commercial artificial retina which makes people partially sighted with certain forms of blindness are testing a series of electrodes placed on the brain surface to restore sighted people's impaired vision. The brain implant designed to help more patients see is a modified version of the current bionic eye Argus II of the company that includes glasses with a camera and external processor.


The Monash Vision Group (MVG) in Australia under the direction of the electrical engineer Arthur J. Lowery, PhD, has developed a cortical vision prosthesis – known as the Gennari Bionic Vision System – in Australia. It consists of a camera in a glass frame that transmits digital photographic images to a computer sitting on a belt around the patient's waist, says neurosurgeon Jeffrey Rosenfeld of Fracs Monash University.


These images are then transferred to a bionic implant in the back of the eye. The bionic eye sees a blurred image consisting of flashes of light to ensure stable visual perception. The flashes provide visual information in the form of basic shapes.


The concave shape of the retina, the photoreceptor-laden tissue at the back of the eye, makes it possible to absorb more light when it passes through the curved lens, but it absorbs it much more slowly than when it is flat. An essential part of what makes an eye design so powerful is its shape, and it is one of the most difficult things to imitate.


The bionic eye works in a similar way to the human eye, obtaining images from a camera that fits into the glasses worn by a blind person, but the camera is smaller than the glasses and fits into a glass frame, so that we might in the future be able to set up such a structure for an artificial eye. To do this, small electronic chipsets or microprocessors convert the images into electronic signals and transmit them to a receiver and the receiver sends the signal via a tiny cable to an electrode panel in the back wall of the eye, the so-called retina. The electrode panel generates impulses that travel along the optic nerve to the brain, and if the nerve is damaged, we can use a device that bypasses the signal in any way possible so that it can reach the brain.


Bionic Eye Australia

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Bionic Eye

 A team of researchers from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia is prepared for what they say will be the world's first human clinical trial of a bionic eye and is asking for additional funding to make bionic devices that they claim can reproduce vision on global scale for blind people with brain implants. The researchers plan to refine their system to help people with un-treatable neurological disorders such as limb paralysis and quadriplegia improve their lives and if successful they will also set up a new commercial company focused on providing vision to people with un-treatable blindness as well as enabling people with quadriplegic paralysis to move in their arms, transforming their healthcare, researchers said. They have already seen successful results in sheep that had minimal side effects after it was implanted in their brains.


The bionic device which they say can restore vision to blind people through a brain implant is essentially a "gut smartphone" that combines the brain implant with microelectrode. It works by skipping patients who have damaged optic nerves, which sends signals from the retina to the central visual components of the brain. The bionic eye, which promises to regain vision with brain implants, works by bypassing the damaged optic nerve and instead sending signals to the visual center in the brain.


The technology aims to restore visual perception to those who have lost their vision by providing electrical stimulation to the visual cortex, the area of the brain that receives, integrates and processes visual information, project leader Arthur Lowery said in a recent press release. His multidisciplinary team at Monash University is one of several developing technologies around the world that could have revolutionary effects on people with vision loss. The world's first bionic vision system works by bypassing damaged optic nerves and after experiments on animals, scientists in Australia have spent more than 10 years developing the device and hope it can help people with untreatable blindness with vision problems rehabilitate one day.


The Gennaris bionic vision system being developed at Monash University in Australia consists of customised headgear with built-in cameras, wireless transmitters, image processors and software, as well as a series of square tiles with hair-thin electrodes implanted in the brain. The device is implanted into the retina to enable light perception that enables blind patients with degenerative retinal diseases to see. The Gennari system consists of a bespoke headgear, a camera, a wireless transmitter, an image processing unit, software and a series of 9 x 9 mm tees placed into a brain.


Your device, the Gennari, has a 9mm x 9mm ceramic prism implanted in the visual cortex at the back of the brain. The implantable bionic eye system UNSW Phoenix99 represents many of the world's first neural stimulation technologies that enable vision to be seen many times faster than before. The research team hopes to implant dozens of patients with the device within the next two years.


A team at Monash University in Australia claims to have developed the world's first bionic eye that can reproduce vision for blind people. The researchers tapped much of the hardware in the eye itself as part of the bionic technology. They have a bionic device they say can restore vision in blind people without a brain implant.


The University of Melbourne is one of Bionic Vision Australia, a national consortium of researchers working to develop bionic eyes to restore vision to people with age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. The Australian Bionic Eye Consortium is using $23.5 million from two Hong Kong organisations to produce the devices and begin clinical trials of bionic eye implants in patients who inherited a degenerative eye disease called RRS (retinopathy of pigmentosa). Bionic Visions Australia (BVA) is working on several devices to help people with ROS and age-related macular degeneration with vision loss.


The Gennaris bionic vision system is designed to bypass the optic nerve damage that prevents signals from the retina to the visual center in the brain, thus treating many diseases for which other technologies have a limited benefit. Using the innards of a smartphone to help the brain insert microelectrodes is a complicated undertaking that has been in the research and design phase for decades. The bionic eye - which promises to restore vision with the help of a brain implant - has been in development for more than a decade.


Encouraged by these results, the research team and a team of elite surgical specialists began preclinical work in 2015, culminating in the successful demonstration of the UNSW Phoenix99 implantable bionic eye system. Four patients had Australia's first bionic eye implanted as part of a clinical trial in Melbourne, Victoria. Three people suffered complete vision loss and received the first bionic eye prototype retinal implant with 24 electrodes.


The study, in which his bionic vision system was implanted in three sheep, was one of the first long-term tests of implanted cortical vision prosthesis in the world and according to the team, the bionic eye was well tolerated by brain tissue and had no adverse health effects. Clinical trial data from patients implanted with Phoenix99 in Australia, the world's leading bionic eye technology, showed that it was safe and significantly improved functional vision and quality of life. Associate Professor Penny Allen was the lead researcher on the team that conducted the study on four patients who had successfully implanted the device.


Bionic technology has been an important part of the medical world for 45 years. Neurotechnology delivers revolutionary results for people with vision loss. Melbourne researchers have been working for five years to develop a second-generation device to ensure patients with the device have an improved quality of life.


The part of the eye that is most important for the perception of good images is the vital visual layer, the retina. Because of these differences, researchers work on different types of bionic eye implants, but the two most promising are retinal (eye-based) implants and cortical (brain-based) implants. An opportunity for research and innovation in the field of bionic eyes is developing a greater awareness of the various ways in which technology can be used and developed to help them communicate the visual language of the brain.



About the Author

Mr. Sarkun is a research scholar specializing in Data Science at IISER, one of India’s premier institutions. With a deep understanding of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Emerging Technologies, he blends academic rigor with practical i…

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