4th Dimension Explained

4th dimension is generally regarded as time. But how does time relate to space? Humans can physically perceive three dimensions (3D) and we have

4th Dimension

How many dimensions are there? For most of us, the answer isn’t four, but it could be. The concept of the 4th dimension has been used by scientists and science fiction writers alike to describe everything from time to time travel to parallel universes that coexist with our own. Let’s take a look at how the fourth dimension came about and what it means for us today.

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4th Dimension Explained

What are dimensions?

A dimension refers to any independent quantity that describes a given point in space. There are usually three spatial dimensions and one time dimension, but there can be as many as 11 dimensions of space, if you consider imaginary ones (more on those below). In physics and mathematics, there are four basic physical dimensions of length, width, height and time. You might also know them by their Latin names: longitudo, latitudo, altitudo and tempus. These refer to measurements in space. For example, your bedroom measures 8 feet by 6 feet by 7 feet high — or 208 inches by 126 inches by 492 inches — across all four dimensions. But how many dimensions of time?

What is the 4th dimension?

We are often taught that there are three dimensions: up-down, left-right, and forward-backward. But imagine being able to move in a fourth direction! This would be like adding an extra degree of freedom to our movements in space. By definition, dimension refers to any property that characterizes something. In physics and mathematics, a dimension can refer to a specific measurable quantity or quality of something (like time or temperature), and we can also speak of spatial dimensions (length, width, height). For example: it takes time to get somewhere because you travel through four dimensions—the three physical dimensions plus time. So when we think about the fourth dimension, what exactly do we mean?

If you say that we live in a four-dimensional universe that is described by the structure of space-time and not in a three-dimensional universe in which we have three spatial and one temporal dimensions, then you do not separate any units from each other, and that is correct.

The basic idea or idea behind the four-dimensional theory is based on the concept of extra-spatial dimensions. When we speak of the fourth dimension, it is generally regarded as space-time. One often speaks of the lower dimension of space, which moves in a direction perpendicular to the three-dimensional space.

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Why is there no official name for it?

The math involved in creating a four-dimensional system isn’t terribly complex, but it does get very complicated very quickly. It's because of these complications that no one has yet been able to name a 4th dimension. We know that time exists and we can name it (though there are some who disagree with its existence), but we don't currently have a way to attach an official label to our 3rd dimension’s counterpart. So instead, we just refer to it as the fourth dimension when discussing mathematics.

What can you do with this extra dimensional space?

The 4th dimension can be used to store infinite information. The space time cube has an upward view of 3rd dimensions, a forward view of 4th dimensions, a right side view of 5th dimensions, and left side view of 6th dimensions. In other words: The time dimension (4D) consists of all points in space-time; past, present and future (all 3 spatial dimensions plus time). You have just discovered 4-space i.e.

How does time relate to space?

The 4th dimension is generally regarded as time. But how does time relate to space? Humans can physically perceive three dimensions (3D) and we have accepted a third spatial dimension (depth, or z-axis). The fact that we can understand 3D (and some 2D images) and incorporate depth perception into our everyday lives gives us an understanding of what it means to move in space. On top of that, we experience different objects moving relative to other objects with respect to gravity, like vehicles moving on roads, airplanes flying through air and rockets propelled by water; again showing us how objects move in space with one another. To answer how does time relate to space?, I will give you some real world examples from my personal experiences.

Where does the fourth dimension lie in our everyday life?

To understand how we experience a 4th dimension in our day-to-day lives, we must look at what dimensions are in terms of mathematics. Simply put, dimensions are used to define a geometric object or shape with one or more number that specifies its size and/or position within a coordinate system (1). For example, in two dimensions, you would need two numbers to define an area of space – for example height and width (x and y) would be two separate numbers. For 3D space, you would need three numbers – height x width x depth = (x,y,z). However because there are different mathematical interpretations of where zero lies on any particular axis, it's difficult to pinpoint exactly when one dimension becomes another.

Is there any way we can access this additional space?

In short, no. Attempting to access other dimensions in an attempt to visit them would be like asking for directions from someone who lived on a planet that orbited your sun every 36 hours. They wouldn’t even have a way of comprehending our existence. We don’t have a way of comprehending dimensions beyond our own, either. It might sound silly, but we can’t go exploring until we can figure out how to communicate with aliens who are willing and able to receive us. That said, there are plenty of scientifically proven tricks that can help you realize yourself and improve your life right here in reality. What if I told you there was one thing you could do that would add years onto your life?

Conclusion on the fourth dimension

It turns out that there's a lot of different ways to think about what it means for something to be in the fourth dimension. In fact, mathematicians and physicists use more than 10 ways to think about our three-dimensional universe. These include: 

(1) an imaginary number line, 

(2) a three-dimensional space with more than one dimension of movement, 

(3) a four-dimensional hypercube and its constituent subcubes, and more. 

This can all be pretty mind boggling! At its most basic level, though, imagine a crosswalk between two buildings. It's like being able to move left or right or up or down—to add another movement direction beyond forward or backward.

Many physicists, including Einstein in his special theory of relativity, have proposed a fourth dimension: time. Einstein said that time is another dimension than the spatial dimension of space and that it is inextricably linked to everything else. In his special relativity theory, Einstein called this dimension "time" and stated that it was "inseparably" linked to space.


Time is the best dimension of space, because no matter how much you increase in space, you move back and forth in time. That is why we need a dimension of time that is inextricably linked to space, because physics works the way it works.


In a four-dimensional universe with four spatial dimensions, planets in orbit would become unstable because they obey the inverted law of cubes and the inverted law of squares for stable orbits. In the second dimension there is a third dimension that is a Being in two-dimensional space-time but the idea that one can exist in this Being without understanding the direction of space in the Being is not something to look at and see, because one does not have the notion of the Being to be fathomed.


On the other hand, researchers who use logic from other dimensions hope to find wormholes in the universe that connect different spheres of space and time. Published a full decade before Einstein's theory of relativity, it treats time as a 4D independent of the three dimensions of space much like time is understood in Einstein's physics.

3rd Dimension Vs 4th Dimension

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If we were able to see four-dimensional objects in space-time (or world line), it would resemble a spaghetti-like line going from the past to the future, always showing the spatial position of the object. Our world has three spatial dimensions: width, depth and height, with a fourth dimension that is temporary (as in the dimension of time). But scientists have long speculated that there is probably a fourth dimensional dimension that goes beyond what we can experience or understand.


Since we cannot directly observe anything outside of three-dimensional space, proving the existence of the fourth dimension (4D) is problematic. In order to better understand how the dimension works and what it means to live in the third, fourth, or fifth dimension, we need to treat the dimension as a point of perception rather than an actual travel location. Whether you say that we live in a fourth-dimensional universe described by the structure of time and space, or in a 3+1 universe where we have three spatial dimensions and one time dimension, you cannot separate these entities from each other, and you are physically correct. . In most cases, people only live on the surface of the earth.


We are immediately aware of the three dimensions that surround us every day. These dimensions determine the length, width, and depth of all objects in our universe (x, y, and z axes, respectively). Behind these three dimensions are seven dimensions, which are not immediately obvious to us, but can still be regarded as having a direct impact on the universe and reality as we know it.


Therefore, the 4D is all space that can be entered when traveling in a direction perpendicular to the three-dimensional space. But physicists here are referring to spatial dimensions beyond ordinary three-dimensional dimensions, not parallel universes, because these dimensions are mistaken for science fiction.


Even if there are other dimensions in our universe or elsewhere, if we are to go to a place that contains them, scientists are not sure whether they can experience them. In mathematics, we can describe the fourth dimension, but we may never experience it in the physical realm.


However, this did not stop us from looking for evidence from higher dimensions. On the other hand, some researchers, using logic from other dimensions, still hope to find wormholes in the universe that connect to different parts of space-time (that is, some theories of physics suggest that our universe may have other dimensions.


Scientifically speaking, we can describe this dimension, but we may never experience it in the realm of physics. These concepts are difficult to grasp, but hopefully they will give you a good general understanding of how the fourth dimension works and how we can explain it through the eyes of the third dimension. In order to better understand what the fourth dimension looks like, you can take a closer look at what makes the three dimensions three-dimensional, and use these ideas to guess what the fourth dimension looks like. Physicists assume that there are at least 10 dimensions, but most of us will never "see" them.


Living in a three-dimensional world, we can easily visualize two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects. But for people who only know two-dimensional life, three-dimensional is impossible to understand. When comparing 3D and 4D, considering these observations of the three-dimensional universe, the four-dimensional cube will be a hypercube, an object that moves in the three dimensions you perceive, and the fourth dimension that you cannot perceive. Three-dimensional objects can only appear in the form of cross-sections in two-dimensional space, and their shape will depend on their orientation relative to the plane of the two-dimensional space.


A two-dimensional being experiences limitations in movement and perception compared to creatures that can perceive three dimensions. The fourth dimension becomes difficult because it is difficult for our 3D mind to visualize a spatial direction perpendicular to our existing three. The main way to represent a tesseract or four-dimensional cube is its projection into the third dimension with perspective. This two-dimensional being can perceive a square, representing many lines stacked together, just as we see in two dimensions, but we can perceive three.


From the perspective of this grid, three-dimensional creatures seem to have supernatural powers, such as being able to take out items from the safe (move them to three-dimensional space) without destroying the safe, so as to see everything in two dimensions-behind the wall Stereoscopic perspective and remain completely invisible. A few inches apart in three-dimensional space. You can think of this world as a three-dimensional cube. Its three spatial axes represent width, height, and length, which move back and forth, up and down, and left and right over time, a dimension that you don’t directly observe but perceive. Suppose a four-dimensional creature can Seeing the world in the projection on the hypersurface, even if one dimension is less, that is, in three dimensions, he can see, for example, all six faces of an opaque box. At the same time, in fact, what is inside the box is like people can see the four sides and the inside of a rectangle on a piece of paper at the same time.


The only difference between the objects in the first dimension is their length. Stretching this point creates the first dimension, which is a straight line with only 0 width and length. Now, to enter the second dimension, extend a line perpendicular to the original direction-you will get a plane. Transforming line segments in the direction perpendicular to the one-dimensional direction will take you to the second dimension.


In the second dimension, our cube may start to look like a cube, but only partially. The cube in the first dimension will appear as a line of the same length as the mentioned cube, but without a width or height value. Add a second dimension to it, the Y axis (or height), and you will have an object that presents a two-dimensional shape (such as a square).


When a cube in the three-dimensional space expands infinitely, it encompasses the entire three-dimensional space. However, from a mathematical point of view, there is no reason to limit our understanding of geometry and space to dimensions greater than 3, because the number 3 is nothing special, which makes it the only possible number of dimensions in space. In three In dimensionality, space is represented by coordinates, and the four dimensions of time (t) are not displayed in a constant or true (dimensional) angle in this coordinate system. Similarly, we can use four numbers (x, y, z, and w) to describe a point in a four-dimensional space, where the purple w axis is at right angles to other areas; in other words, we can reduce the four dimensions by To three to visualize them.



About the Author

Mr. Sarkun is a research scholar specializing in Data Science at IISER, one of India’s premier institutions. With a deep understanding of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Emerging Technologies, he blends academic rigor with practical i…

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