Gardner Theory Of Intelligence
Gardner Theory Of Intelligence |
Howard Gardner, Harvard University - Professor of Edagogy and Developmental Psychology - has a paradigm of intelligence in which he defines intelligence as the ability to learn and solve problems and calls it the bio-psychological potential to process information. Gardner theorized that humans do not have only the intellectual capacity for many types of intelligence including musical, interpersonal, spatial, visual, and linguistic intelligence to capture the full range of abilities and talents that humans possess. Gardner's definition of intelligence is unique in that she sees the creation of products like sculptures and computers as an important expression of intelligence, not an abstract problem-solving.
Many of Gardner's science calls things intelligence, critics argue, are closely related to personality traits, talents and abilities. A 2006 study found that intelligence described by Gardner represented aspects of general intelligence as well as personality traits, cognitive abilities and non-cognitive abilities. The study also found that three of the intelligence categories (musical, logical, mathematical and visual / spatial intelligence) correlated positively with IQ scores.
Individuals with logical and mathematical intelligence show excellent thinking skills, abstract thinking, and the ability to draw conclusions from patterns. This type of intelligence is characterized by the ability to explain things to people, as well as a strong verbal and linguistic intelligence to learn from others. Sensitivity, temperament and communication skills enable people to develop interpersonal intelligence and understand differences in perspective.
Interpersonal intelligence reflects the ability to recognize and understand other people's moods, desires, motivations and intentions. Physical and kinesthetic intelligence is exemplified by dancers and athletes who engage in the ability to use all parts of the body to solve problems and make clothing products.
Linguistic intelligence, part of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence, is concerned with sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn language and the ability to use language to achieve specific goals. The ability to express oneself through the use of words and language is called verbal linguistic intelligence. Verbal linguistic intelligence refers to the individual's ability to analyze information and produce works that include oral and written languages such as language, books and email.
Gardner Theory Of Intelligence |
Based on Howard Gardner's studies of many people from many different walks of life, everyday circumstances and professions, he developed the theory of multiple intelligence. The theory was first proposed by Gardner in 1983 in his book Aframe of the Minda, in which he expanded the definition of intelligence by outlining different types of intellectual competence. Gardner's seven intelligences are linguistic, logical, mathematical, spatial, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal and intrapersonal.
Gardner's theory has gained popularity in education, but the concept of multiple intelligence has been criticized and remains insufficiently supported by research. One of the main criticisms of Gardner's theory focuses on how he defines intelligence.
When it comes to the potential of intelligence, Howard Gardner, professor of cognition and pedagogy at Harvard University, asserts that intelligence is inherently aspiring and responsive and distinguishes the theory of multiple intelligence from the traditional one that human intelligence is solid and innate. Instead, Gardner postulates several autonomous intelligences and individual intellectual profiles that reflect the unique configurations of these intelligences. Specifically, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences that cover a wide range of human potential, from children to adults.
Dr. Gardners says that our school culture pays the most attention to linguistic, logical and mathematical intelligence. In his theory of multiple intelligences, Gardner notes that our education system tends to be at the intersection of assessment and, to a lesser extent, logical and quantitative modes.
Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence challenges the traditional notion that there is a single type of intelligence known as AGA (General Intelligence) that concentrates on cognitive abilities. Gardner returned to the original definition of intelligence, which reflects the skills needed to solve problems in a culture. What makes the Gardner theory unique is that Gardner argues that we have nine different intelligence ranges, and that individuals are stronger in different intelligence ranges.
The multiple intelligence theory was misunderstood, leading to its use in learning styles and its application in a way that limited students "potential. Theory suggests that teachers should be trained to present their lessons in a variety of ways, including music, cooperative learning, artistic activities, role-playing, multimedia, excursions, inner reflection and more (see Multiple Intelligence in the Classroom, 4th ed. Gardner developed the theory of multiple intelligence to challenge academic psychologists who did not offer many pedagogical suggestions.
Intelligence tests and psychometrics have found high correlations between various aspects of intelligence and low correlations between what Gardner predicts and what is supported by prevailing general intelligence and multiple intelligence theories. Gardner does not claim that the list of intelligences is an exhaustive theory, but is based on empirical evidence and is constantly being revised by new empirical findings. Although Gardner claims that multiple intelligence is an innate potentiality that is related to general areas of content, the theory lacks a rationale for the phylogenetic emergence of multiple intelligence.
Psychologists and educators have argued that Gardner's definition of intelligence is too broad, and that his eight different intelligences represent talent rather than personality traits or abilities.
Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence (1983) suggests that intelligent behavior does not arise from a single uniform quality of mind and that G-based theories and profiles on websites suggest that different kinds of intelligence are generated from separate metaphoric pools of mental energy. Gardner suggests that humans have types of intelligence that are inherently interconnected. The theory is that humans are not born with all the intelligence they possess.