5 Assistive Technologies That Aid

Assistive Technologies That Aid Mobility, Disability can never be a hindrance in today’s premises. The world is becoming an accepting and welcoming so

Assistive Technologies That Aid


Disability can never be a hindrance in today’s premises. The world is becoming an accepting and

welcoming society towards the community, and policies are now becoming inclusive for them.

Most importantly, there is now a wide range of tools that makes a living as a disabled individual

easier. The technologies surrounding the assisting tools are also constantly improving day by

day. Here are some five assistive technologies that aid mobility.

assistive technologies,aid tool, 5 Assistive Technologies That Aid

Canes and Crutches, Walkers

Canes and Crutches are the simplest assistive technology known. Most of these assisting objects

came from sturdy materials such as wood or an alloy. Commercially produced ones came out of

strong plastic polyesters. While they differ in design, canes and crutches follow the goal of

providing standing support to its user.

Another difference is how much support these assisting tools can offer impaired individuals.

Canes only provide the most minimal support as they feature only one base tip to spread the

body weight and center of gravity. Crutches have more body in the framework and bring a firmer

grip on the tool, bringing more assistive support. Walkers, however, bring stability and balance

to its user using their four-legged base support.

Some modern crutches, however, define themselves as smart walking technologies. Smart

walking tools are adjustable in their height and with their elbow angle at their elbow crutch


Prosthetic Limbs

Artificial Limbs are pirate peg legs in today’s modern context. Like the pirate leg, the prosthetic

leg's function is to replace the lost limb due to birth or by amputation.

Within the assistive technology market, there are far more prosthetic legs sold than arms; the

obvious reason being artificial legs are more fully functional than arms. Prosthetic legs can aid

with body balance, movement, and bodily coordination. Arms, however, are more of an

expensive prototype than a functioning commodity due to the lack of emulation of the arm

function. Its good output up to date is the prosthetic arms that operate by reading the relative

tendons and joints that correlate to arm movements. Despite this, scientists are hoping for a

massive breakthrough in arm prosthetic technology. They predict that in a few years before 2030,

a prosthetic device reads electric brain impulses for hand and arm dexterity.

Prosthetic legs usually come in the walking model and its running blade counterpart.

Wheelchairs and Scooters

Comfort and effectiveness are words that can describe how wheelchairs and scooters are for their

disabled users. Wheeled assistive technologies are crucial tools for disabled individuals because

they cover more ground faster than their walking stick counterparts. Scooters are much better

gizmo; they can travel faster without manual efforts of self-pushing the wheels. The cons,

however, for these mobility devices lie with only applicable in spacious areas. The inclination of

the surface can prove to be a problem, too; not all establishments have wheelchair-friendly


Alternatively, there are custom and automatic wheelchairs that suit specific terrains because of

track belts. Some wheelchairs have actual engines and steering maneuvers to facilitate further

convenience in moving around. While technically, users of these wheelchairs cannot use them on

roads and traffic, having one can be ideal in areas and places that need to cover more ground.

Foot Steering Wheel

Foot steering wheels are the new means to allow disabled individuals to drive despite their

movement impairments. A common foot steering wheel’s design features a frictional foot grip, a

pivot, and a saucer platform where the footrests and steers the whole mechanism. Altogether, this

system helps turn the axle of the tires which in turn maneuvers the entire vehicle.

Consumers of this specific steering wheel are disabled individuals with paralysis in the upper

body. Users can also be people with congenital disabilities that result in shorter arms—deformed,

even. With enough practice, they can finally be able to drive their vehicles again like how an

ordinary person does.

Orthotic Device

In a nutshell, orthotic devices are braces that give micro support to the impaired body. This type

of support differs from long stick macro supports like canes because the support is specific only

to the particular body part. Thus, the types of orthoses available in the market are Ankle-Foot

Orthoses and Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthoses also cover the knee joint.

The problem with orthoses is the cost, as each requires resources to customize a brace

specifically for a client. With the NDIS program, however, disabled individuals may avail and

even access these assistive technologies. NDIS offers its participants with invaluable network

access to various services and products, including high-ticket mobility devices. Through NDIS

support coordination and its system of capable representatives, the agency can assist disabled

participants to different degrees during the acquisition process. This makes availing of assistive

tools and professionals like orthoses easier and more convenient from the disabled person’s


About the Author

Mr. Sarkun is a research scholar specializing in Data Science at IISER, one of India’s premier institutions. With a deep understanding of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Emerging Technologies, he blends academic rigor with practical i…

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