
The Multiverse Theory Explained

What is the multiverse theory? In an attempt to explain our Universe, scientists have devised an idea called the multiverse. The multiverse theory pr…

A Story of the Big Splat Theory

The Big Splat Theory In the vast cosmic theater, where stars twinkle and planets dance, there exists a tale of cosmic collision that shaped the desti…

Braneworld theory explained

What is the Braneworld theory? Hey there! So, you've heard about the Braneworld Theory,? Pretty mind-blowing stuff, if you ask me! Well, buckle u…

What is the fifth dimension?

Unveiling the Enigma of the Fifth Dimension:  Embarking on the fascinating quest to comprehend the mysteries of the fifth dimension feels akin to set…

Hidden Water In Mars – The Largest Canyon In The Solar System

Hidden Water In Mars – The Largest Canyon In The Solar System Traces of water were found in low latitudes of Mars and at the surface. A large volume …

Andromeda Galaxy From Earth

Andromeda Galaxy From Earth   Andromeda Galaxy From Earth      The story begins in the early 1900s, when astronomer Vesto Slipher measured the radia…

Is time the 4th dimension

4Th Dimension Is Time      Einstein used time as the fourth dimension to describe a coordinate system called spacetime. Einstein's dominant vi…

What is Dark Matter

Dark Matter  It is a hypothetical form of matter, about 85% of the matter in the universe and about 27% of its total mass-energy density. Matter t…
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