Brute Force Attack

 Brute Force Attack

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What do we know about a brute force attack?

A brute force attack that uses proof to guess login credentials, encryption keys, or find a hidden website. Hackers work with all possible combinations in the hope of guessing correctly. You have linked your route to your personal accounts. This is a somewhat outdated attack method, but still quite effective and popular among hackers. Because, depending on the length and complexity of the password, it can take a few seconds to crack the password until the brute force attack manifests itself in various ways, but basically it consists of the attacker setting the default values. by sending a request to the server. Use them. and then analyze the answer. dictionary attack (with or without mutation) or traditional brute force attack (with specific character classes such as alphanumeric, especially case sensitive), given the given method, the number of attempts, the efficiency of the system performing the attacks, and the expected performance of the attacked system, an attacker can roughly estimate the time it takes to send all messages. The default is selected.

How are brute-force attacks used?

Violent attacks are commonly wont to obtain personal information like passwords, passwords, usernames, and private identification numbers (PINS), also on use scripts, cracking applications, or processes in string format. Stealing personal information such as passwords, passwords and other information used to access Internet accounts and network resources. Destruction of public websites and other information can damage an organization's reputation. Redirects domains to pages containing malicious content. It can also be used to make a profit. Many IT pros use this attack method to test the security of a network and especially its strength. encryption used on the network.

A web application can be executed by taking a list of words from known pages, like a normal content management system, and simply requesting each known page and then analyzing it. The syntax is an HTTP response code method to determine whether a page exists at the destination server.

BRUTE FORCE Algorithms

Brutal force algorithms are exactly what they look like: simple problem-solving techniques based on sheer computational power and testing all possibilities instead of methods, best practices for efficiency. each. You forgot your combination, but you don't want to buy another lock. Since you cannot remember any numbers, you must use a brute force method to unlock it. and check them in turn: 0001, 0002, 0003, etc. until it opens. In the worst case, it will take 104 to 10,000 attempts to find your combination. A classic example in computer science is the traveling salesman problem. (TSP). Let's say a salesperson needs to visit 10 cities across the country.  How to determine the order of visiting these cities to minimize the total distance traveled? The brute force solution is to simply add distance to every possible path and then take the shortest path. This is not particularly effective because there are many possible paths that can be dominated. using intelligent algorithms. The brutal time complexity is O (mn), sometimes denoted as O (n * m). the string literal "n" in the string literal "m" is brute force, we'll make n * m tries.

General brute force attack tools


This is a popular free Wi-Fi password cracker. This tool comes with WEP / WPA / WPA2PSK analysis and decryption tool to perform 802.11 WiFi attacks. Aircrackng can be used for any network card that supports real-time monitoring. It mainly performs dictionary attacks on wireless networks. network to guess the password. As you know, the success of an attack depends on the password dictionary. The better and more efficient the password dictionary, the more likely it is that the password will be cracked. It is available for Windows and Linux platforms. It has also been adapted to work on iOS and Android platforms. John the Ripper Model

John the Ripper:

John the Ripper is another great tool that needs no introduction. This free password cracking software was originally developed for Unix systems, but was later released by developers for other systems. It currently supports 15 different platforms including Unix, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS. You can use this to identify weak passwords or crack passwords to break authentication. This tool is very popular and combines various password cracking functions. It can automatically detect the type of hash used in the password, so you can also run it with encrypted password store encryption, it can basically brute-force all passwords, a combination of text and numbers.


 Ophcrack is another brute force tool specifically used to crack Windows passwords. and open source tools. In most cases, you can crack a Windows password in just a few minutes. By default, Ophcrack comes with rainbow tables for cracking passwords up to 14 characters long, containing only alphanumeric characters. Other rainbow designs are also available for download. Ophcrack is also available as a LiveCD. 

Jailbreak tool 

It is free and available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS platforms. Hashcat supports various hashing algorithms including LM Hashes, MD4, MD5, SHAfamily, Unix Crypt format, MySQL, and Cisco PIX. Supports a variety of attacks, including brute force attacks, combined attacks, dictionary attacks, fingerprint attacks, hybrid attacks, mask attacks, permutation attacks, rule-based attacks, table view attacks, and transformation attacks.

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What you can do to prevent a brute-force attack:

 Brute-force attacks can be identified by the high number of login attempts. An attacker visits the login page repeatedly. This way you can block the attacker's IP address. Unfortunately, attackers can attack through proxy servers. However, you can prevent a successful attack by: using strong passwords (a combination of alphabets, numbers, and symbols); set a limit (2 or 3 times, as in ATMs) on the number of logins to the system; use a CAPTCHA; ask a security question. Using Two-Factor Authentication


Brute-force attacks are used to compromise the security of an application so that an attacker can achieve a desired goal. Regardless of whether it is connected to the network or not, any system can be hacked at any time. Thus, there are many options for preventing a brute-force attack. Since a brute force attack will have a different nature depending on the state of the attack, We have to use the possible ways to prevent a brute-force attack.

About the Author

Sarkun is a dedicated research student at one of India's premier institutions, the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER). With over three years of experience in the realm of blogging, Sarkun's passion lies at the interse…

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