
How to reduce the effects of climate change

Reduce the effects of climate change Climate change is a global issue that effect us all. As the temprature rise, extreme climatic events  become mor…

5G vs 4G – What's the Difference?

Is 5G Really Better? The big hype around 5G revolves around its lightning-fast speeds. Imagine a download rate exceeding 1 gigabit per second—that&#…

How to Manipulate People Easily ?

Extremely Effective Ways to Manipulate People How to manipulate people ? If you want to manipulate people and make them do what you want, you have to…

Troxler Effect | What is it? |How Troxler effect works

Troxler Effect Explained Troxler effect, or Troxler fading, refers to visual perception fading based on repeated exposure to the same stimulus. The p…

Schachter two factor theory Explained

Two-Factor Theory of Emotion Introduction The two-factor theory of emotion was proposed by William James in his 1890 treatise The Principles of Psyc…

Exploring the Just World Hypothesis: Is the World Fair?

What is the Just World Hypothesis? Welcome to a journey through the intriguing realm of the Just World Hypothesis.  Now, imagine you're at the en…
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